Тип schema.org ?
Содержание: Описание, Свойства которые можно использовать, Подходит для свойств, Более специфичные типы, Благодарности, Примеры использования.
Trip — это тип данных в Schema.org, который используется для описания поездки или путешествия. Он представляет собой план или маршрут, включающий посещение одного или нескольких мест. Этот тип данных помогает структурировать информацию о путешествии, чтобы она была понятна как пользователям, так и поисковым системам.
Trip используется в контексте веб-разработки и SEO (поисковой оптимизации). Он позволяет владельцам сайтов, связанным с туризмом, путешествиями и услугами, связанными с поездками, представлять информацию о своих предложениях в стандартизированном формате. Это может включать данные о маршруте, местах, которые будут посещены, продолжительности поездки и других важных аспектах.
Использование Trip в Schema.org помогает улучшить видимость информации в поисковых системах, позволяя им лучше индексировать и отображать данные о путешествиях в результатах поиска. Это также может помочь пользователям быстрее находить нужную информацию о планировании своих поездок, поскольку структурированные данные могут быть использованы для создания расширенных сниппетов и других форматов отображения.
Таким образом, Trip служит для организации и представления информации о путешествиях, улучшая взаимодействие между пользователями и поисковыми системами.
Свойство | Ожидаемый тип | Описание |
Свойство из Trip | ||
arrivalTime | DateTime, Time | Ожидаемое время прибытия. |
departureTime | DateTime, Time | Ожидаемое время отправления. |
itinerary | ItemList, Place | Направление(я) ( Место ), которые составляют поездку. Для поездки, где порядок направлений важен, используйте ItemList, чтобы указать этот порядок (см. примеры). |
offers | Demand, Offer | Предложение предоставить этот товар — например, предложение продать продукт, арендовать DVD фильма, выполнить услугу или раздать билеты на мероприятие. Используйте businessFunction, чтобы указать вид предлагаемой транзакции, т.е. продажу, аренду и т.д. Это свойство также может быть использовано для описания Demand. Хотя это свойство указано как ожидаемое для ряда общих типов, оно может быть использовано и в других. В этом случае использование второго типа, такого как Product или подтипа Product, может прояснить природу предложения. |
partOfTrip | Trip | Указывает, что эта Поездка является частью другой Поездки. Например, День 1, День 2 и т.д. многодневной поездки. |
provider | Organization, Person | Поставщик услуг, оператор услуг или исполнитель услуг; производитель товаров. Другая сторона (продавец) может предлагать эти услуги или товары от имени поставщика. Поставщик также может выступать в качестве продавца. |
subTrip | Trip | Определяет Поездку, которая является подпоездкой этой Поездки. Например, День 1, День 2 и т.д. многодневной поездки. |
tripOrigin | Place | Местоположение начала поездки, перед любыми пунктами назначения. |
Свойство из Thing | ||
additionalType | URL, Text | Дополнительный тип для элемента, обычно используемый для добавления более специфичных типов из внешних словарей в синтаксисе микроданных. Это отношение между чем-то и классом, к которому это что-то относится. Обычно значение является URI-идентифицированным классом RDF, и в этом случае соответствует использованию rdf:type в RDF. Текстовые значения могут использоваться экономно, в случаях, когда полезная информация может быть добавлена без наличия соответствующей схемы для ссылки. В случае текстовых значений, метка класса должна следовать руководству по стилю schema.org. |
alternateName | Text | Псевдоним для элемента. |
description | Text, TextObject | Описание предмета. |
disambiguatingDescription | Text | Субсвойство описания. Краткое описание элемента, используемое для различения его от других, похожих элементов. Информация из других свойств (в частности, имени) может быть необходима для того, чтобы описание было полезным для различения. |
identifier | PropertyValue, Text, URL | Свойство identifier представляет собой любой вид идентификатора для любого рода Thing, такого как ISBN, коды GTIN, UUID и т.д. Schema.org предоставляет специальные свойства для представления многих из них, как в виде текстовых строк, так и в виде ссылок URL (URI). См. фоновую информацию для получения дополнительных деталей. |
image | ImageObject, URL | Изображение предмета. Это может быть URL или полностью описанный ImageObject. |
mainEntityOfPage | CreativeWork, URL | Указывает на страницу (или другое творческое произведение), для которой этот объект является основным описываемым объектом. См. фоновую информацию для получения деталей. |
name | Text | Название элемента. |
potentialAction | Action | Указывает на потенциальное действие, которое описывает идеализированное действие, в котором этот объект будет играть роль 'объекта'. |
sameAs | URL | URL страницы в Интернете, которая однозначно указывает на идентичность элемента. Например, URL страницы элемента в Википедии, запись в Викиданных или официальный сайт. |
subjectOf | CreativeWork, Event | Творческое произведение или событие, связанное с этой вещью. |
url | URL | URL предмета. |
Экземпляры Trip могут использоваться в качестве значения для следующих свойств.
Свойство | Типы | Описание |
itemOffered | Offer, Demand | Предлагаемый (или запрашиваемый) предмет. Транзакционная природа предложения или запроса документируется с использованием businessFunction, например, продажа, аренда и т.д. Хотя несколько общепринятых ожидаемых типов перечислены явно в этом определении, могут использоваться и другие. Использование второго типа, такого как Product или подтипа Product, может прояснить природу предложения. |
partOfTrip | Trip | Указывает, что эта Поездка является частью другой Поездки. Например, День 1, День 2 и т.д. многодневной поездки. |
subTrip | Trip | Определяет Поездку, которая является подпоездкой этой Поездки. Например, День 1, День 2 и т.д. многодневной поездки. |
Пример заметки или HTML разметки.
<div class="tourist-trip-wrapper">
Australia and New Zealand
This trip is modeled as two distinct Tourist Trips using the subTrip property.
<div class="has-part-wrapper">
This is a trip on its own.
New Zealand
This is another trip nested inside the main one.
Пример, закодированный в формате Microdata, встроенный в HTML.
<div itemtype="https://schema.org/TouristTrip" itemscope>
<meta itemprop="name" content="Australia and New Zealand" />
<meta itemprop="description" content="This trip is modeled as two distinct Tourist Trips using the subTrip property." />
<div itemprop="subTrip" itemtype="https://schema.org/TouristTrip" itemscope>
<meta itemprop="name" content="Australia" />
<meta itemprop="description" content="This is a trip on its own." />
<div itemprop="subTrip" itemtype="https://schema.org/TouristTrip" itemscope>
<meta itemprop="name" content="New Zealand" />
<meta itemprop="description" content="This is another trip nested inside the main one." />
Пример, закодированный в формате RDFa, встроенный в HTML.
<div vocab="https://schema.org/" typeof="TouristTrip">
<div property="name" content="Australia and New Zealand"></div>
<div property="description" content="This trip is modeled as two distinct Tourist Trips using the subTrip property."></div>
<div rel="subTrip">
<div typeof="TouristTrip">
<div property="name" content="Australia"></div>
<div property="description" content="This is a trip on its own."></div>
<div rel="subTrip">
<div typeof="TouristTrip">
<div property="description" content="This is another trip nested inside the main one."></div>
<div property="name" content="New Zealand"></div>
Пример, закодированный в формате JSON-LD в теге <script> HTML.
"@context": "https://schema.org",
"@type": "TouristTrip",
"name": "Australia and New Zealand",
"description": "This trip is modeled as two distinct Tourist Trips using the subTrip property.",
"subTrip": [
"@type": "TouristTrip",
"name": "Australia",
"description": "This is a trip on its own."
"@type": "TouristTrip",
"name": "New Zealand",
"description": "This is another trip nested inside the main one."
Структурированное представление примера JSON-LD.
Пример заметки или HTML разметки.
Your ideal trip to England
The dozen best places and areas that should be on you list when visiting England.
Choose you own order but visit as many as you can.
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">London</span></a>:
<span>While it's not impossible to plan a trip to England without visiting London,
it's certainly not to be advised, as the nation's sprawling capital boasts plenty of attractions to keep you busy.</span>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edinburgh">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Edinburgh</span></a>:
<span>One of Scotland's most attractive cities, the capital city of Edinburgh
is also one of England's most visited destinations.</span>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath,_Somerset">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Bath</span></a>:
<span>Although one of England's smaller cities, Bath more than makes up for its diminutive size
with a multitude of things to see and do.</span>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonehenge">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Stonehenge</span></a>:
<span>One of the planet's oldest World Heritage Sites, Stonehenge has been a place of pilgrimage
for more than 4,500 years.</span>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windsor,_Berkshire">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Windsor</span></a>:
<span>The historic town of Windsor, conveniently located a short train ride west of London,
offers plenty of fun things for tourists to do.</span>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotswolds">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">The Cotswolds</span></a>:
<span>Covering almost 1,287 square kilometers of pristine countryside, the beautiful Cotswolds
is undoubtedly one of the most photographed corners of England.</span>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_District_National_Park">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">The Lake District</span></a>:
<span>In the north west of England and covering an area of 1,448 square kilometers is more of
England's most beautiful scenery: the Lake District National Park.</span>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/York">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">York</span></a>:
<span>One of northern England's most popular tourist destinations, the medieval city of York,
long the ecclesiastical capital of the Church of England, boasts one of the country's most magnificent cathedrals.</span>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Oxford</span></a>:
<span>England has long been a center of learning, with Oxford being one of the two most famous
university towns also ranking highly as tourist destinations.</span>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Cambridge</span></a>:
<span>England has long been a center of learning, with Cambridge being one of the two most famous
university towns also ranking highly as tourist destinations.</span>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canterbury">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">Canterbury</span></a>:
<span>Pay a visit to historic Canterbury, and you'll soon discover why this beautiful city continues
to be such a draw for visitors to England.</span>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loch_Ness">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">York</span></a>:
<span>Despite the fact that the legends of mythical monsters have largely been debunked
(just don't tell the locals), spectacular Loch Ness remains an extremely popular tourist attraction for
travelers heading to Scotland."</span>
Пример, закодированный в формате Microdata, встроенный в HTML.
<div itemtype="https://schema.org/Trip" itemscope="">
<h1 itemprop="name">
Your ideal trip to England
<div itemprop="description">
The dozen best places and areas that should be on you list when visiting England.
Choose you own order but visit as many as you can.
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/City" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">London</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">While it's not impossible to plan a trip to England without visiting London,
it's certainly not to be advised, as the nation's sprawling capital boasts plenty of attractions to keep you busy.</span>
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/City" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edinburgh">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Edinburgh</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">One of Scotland's most attractive cities, the capital city of Edinburgh
is also one of England's most visited destinations.</span>
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/City" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath,_Somerset">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Bath</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">Although one of England's smaller cities, Bath more than makes up for its diminutive size
with a multitude of things to see and do.</span>
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonehenge">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Stonehenge</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">One of the planet's oldest World Heritage Sites, Stonehenge has been a place of pilgrimage
for more than 4,500 years.</span>
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/AdministrativeArea" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windsor,_Berkshire">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Windsor</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">The historic town of Windsor, conveniently located a short train ride west of London,
offers plenty of fun things for tourists to do.</span>
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/AdministrativeArea" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotswolds">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">The Cotswolds</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">Covering almost 1,287 square kilometers of pristine countryside, the beautiful Cotswolds
is undoubtedly one of the most photographed corners of England.</span>
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/AdministrativeArea" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_District_National_Park">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">The Lake District</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">In the north west of England and covering an area of 1,448 square kilometers is
more of England's most beautiful scenery: the Lake District National Park.</span>
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/City" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/York">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">York</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">One of northern England's most popular tourist destinations, the medieval city of York,
long the ecclesiastical capital of the Church of England, boasts one of the country's most magnificent cathedrals.</span>
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/City" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Oxford</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">England has long been a center of learning, with Oxford being one of the two most famous
university towns also ranking highly as tourist destinations.</span>
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/City" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Cambridge</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">England has long been a center of learning, with Cambridge being one of the two most famous
university towns also ranking highly as tourist destinations.</span>
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/City" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canterbury">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Canterbury</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">Pay a visit to historic Canterbury, and you'll soon discover why this beautiful city
continues to be such a draw for visitors to England.</span>
<li itemprop="itinerary" itemtype="https://schema.org/LakeBodyOfWater" itemscope="">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loch_Ness">
<span itemprop="name" style="font-weight:bold;">York</span></a>:
<span itemprop="description">Despite the fact that the legends of mythical monsters have largely been debunked
(just don't tell the locals), spectacular Loch Ness remains an extremely popular tourist attraction for travelers
heading to Scotland."</span>
Пример, закодированный в формате RDFa, встроенный в HTML.
<div vocab="https://schema.org/" typeof="Trip">
<h1 property="name">
Your ideal trip to England
<div property="description">
The dozen best places and areas that should be on you list when visiting England.
Choose you own order but visit as many as you can.
<li property="itinerary" typeof="City">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">London</span></a>:
<span property="description">While it's not impossible to plan a trip to England without visiting London,
it's certainly not to be advised, as the nation's sprawling capital boasts plenty of attractions to keep you busy.</span>
<li property="itinerary" typeof="City">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edinburgh">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Edinburgh</span></a>:
<span property="description">One of Scotland's most attractive cities, the capital city of Edinburgh
is also one of England's most visited destinations.</span>
<li property="itinerary" typeof="City">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath,_Somerset">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Bath</span></a>:
<span property="description">Although one of England's smaller cities, Bath more than makes up for its diminutive size
with a multitude of things to see and do.</span>
<li property="itinerary" typeof="LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonehenge">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Stonehenge</span></a>:
<span property="description">One of the planet's oldest World Heritage Sites, Stonehenge has been a place of pilgrimage
for more than 4,500 years.</span>
<li property="itinerary" typeof="AdministrativeArea">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windsor,_Berkshire">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Windsor</span></a>:
<span property="description">The historic town of Windsor, conveniently located a short train ride west of London,
offers plenty of fun things for tourists to do.</span>
<li property="itinerary" typeof="AdministrativeArea">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotswolds">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">The Cotswolds</span></a>:
<span property="description">Covering almost 1,287 square kilometers of pristine countryside, the beautiful Cotswolds
is undoubtedly one of the most photographed corners of England.</span>
<li property="itinerary" typeof="AdministrativeArea">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_District_National_Park">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">The Lake District</span></a>:
<span property="description">In the north west of England and covering an area of 1,448 square kilometers is more
of England's most beautiful scenery: the Lake District National Park.</span>
<li property="itinerary" typeof="City">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/York">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">York</span></a>:
<span property="description">One of northern England's most popular tourist destinations, the medieval city of York,
long the ecclesiastical capital of the Church of England, boasts one of the country's most magnificent cathedrals.</span>
<li property="itinerary" typeof="City">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Oxford</span></a>:
<span property="description">England has long been a center of learning, with Oxford being one of the two most famous
university towns also ranking highly as tourist destinations.</span>
<li property="itinerary" typeof="City">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Cambridge</span></a>:
<span property="description">England has long been a center of learning, with Cambridge being one of the two most famous
university towns also ranking highly as tourist destinations.</span>
<li property="itinerary" typeof="City">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canterbury">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">Canterbury</span></a>:
<span property="description">Pay a visit to historic Canterbury, and you'll soon discover why this beautiful city continues
to be such a draw for visitors to England.</span>
<li property="itinerary" typeof="LakeBodyOfWater">
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loch_Ness">
<span property="name" style="font-weight:bold;">York</span></a>:
<span property="description">Despite the fact that the legends of mythical monsters have largely been debunked
(just don't tell the locals), spectacular Loch Ness remains an extremely popular tourist attraction for travelers
heading to Scotland."</span>
Пример, закодированный в формате JSON-LD в теге <script> HTML.
"@context": "https://schema.org",
"@type": "Trip",
"name": "Your ideal trip to England",
"description": "The dozen best places and areas that should be on you list when visiting England. Choose you own order but visit as many as you can",
"itinerary": [
"@type": "City",
"name": "London",
"description": "While it's not impossible to plan a trip to England without visiting London, it's certainly not to be advised, as the nation's sprawling capital boasts plenty of attractions to keep you busy",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London"
"@type": "City",
"name": "Edinburgh",
"description": "One of Scotland's most attractive cities, the capital city of Edinburgh is also one of England's most visited destinations.",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edinburgh"
"@type": "City",
"name": "Bath",
"description": "Although one of England's smaller cities, Bath more than makes up for its diminutive size with a multitude of things to see and do.",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath,_Somerset"
"@type": "LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings",
"name": "Stonehenge",
"description": "One of the planet's oldest World Heritage Sites, Stonehenge has been a place of pilgrimage for more than 4,500 years.",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonehenge"
"@type": "AdministrativeArea",
"name": "Windsor",
"description": "The historic town of Windsor, conveniently located a short train ride west of London, offers plenty of fun things for tourists to do.",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windsor,_Berkshire"
"@type": "AdministrativeArea",
"name": "The Cotswolds",
"description": "Covering almost 1,287 square kilometers of pristine countryside, the beautiful Cotswolds is undoubtedly one of the most photographed corners of England.",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotswolds"
"@type": "AdministrativeArea",
"name": "The Lake District",
"description": "In the north west of England and covering an area of 1,448 square kilometers is more of England's most beautiful scenery: the Lake District National Park.",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_District_National_Park"
"@type": "City",
"name": "York",
"description": "One of northern England's most popular tourist destinations, the medieval city of York, long the ecclesiastical capital of the Church of England, boasts one of the country's most magnificent cathedrals.",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/York"
"@type": "City",
"name": "Oxford",
"description": "England has long been a center of learning, with Oxford being one of the two most famous university towns also ranking highly as tourist destinations.",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford"
"@type": "City",
"name": "Cambridge",
"description": "England has long been a center of learning, with Cambridge being one of the two most famous university towns also ranking highly as tourist destinations.",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge"
"@type": "City",
"name": "Canterbury",
"description": "Pay a visit to historic Canterbury, and you'll soon discover why this beautiful city continues to be such a draw for visitors to England.",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canterbury"
"@type": "LakeBodyOfWater",
"name": "Loch Ness",
"description": "Despite the fact that the legends of mythical monsters have largely been debunked (just don't tell the locals), spectacular Loch Ness remains an extremely popular tourist attraction for travelers heading to Scotland.",
"url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loch_Ness"
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