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Свойство schema.org ?

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Архивная организация, которая хранит, поддерживает или управляет архивным компонентом.

Свойство holdingArchive в Schema.org используется для обозначения связи между архивом и компонентом архива. Это свойство указывает, что определённый архив (представленный через тип ArchiveOrganization) хранит, поддерживает или управляет конкретным компонентом архива (представленным через тип ArchiveComponent).

Основное назначение holdingArchive заключается в том, чтобы структурировать информацию о том, какие архивные организации владеют или управляют определёнными архивными материалами. Это позволяет пользователям и системам лучше понимать, где можно найти определённые архивные ресурсы и какие организации ответственны за их хранение и доступность.

Использование этого свойства способствует более точному описанию архивных коллекций и помогает в организации данных о них. Оно может быть полезно для библиотек, музеев, архивов и других учреждений, занимающихся хранением исторических документов и материалов.

Таким образом, holdingArchive служит важным инструментом для организации информации о хранении архивов, облегчая поиск и доступ к архивным ресурсам.

Обратное свойство: archiveHeld

Ожидается, что значения будут одного из этих типов

Используется в этих типах


Пример 1

Пример заметки или HTML разметки.

	<h1>Ronnie Barker Collection</h1>
	<span class="label">Material held at</span>
	<span class="val"><a href="https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/search/locations/eae30daa-1bf9-33d9-bf1c-7aeb220d2e76">V&A Theatre and Performance Collections</a></span><br/>
	<span class="label">Reference</span>
	<span class="val">GB 71 THM/407/8<span><br/>
	<span class="label">Dates of Creation</span>
	<span class="val">1929-2005</span><br/>
	<span class="label">Name of Creator</span>
	<span class="val">Ronnie Barker</span><br/>
	<span class="label">Language of Material</span>
	<span class="val">English</span><br/>
	<span class="label">Direct Link</span>
	<span class="val"><a href="https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/data/gb71-thm/407">https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/data/gb71-thm/407</a></span><br/>
	<span class="label">Description</span>
	<span class="val">The collection consists of memorabilia material collected by Ronnie Barker to document his career. Materials include scrapbooks
		 compiled by Ronnie Barker with press cuttings, reviews, memorabilia and photographs of his theatre, television and film work, photographs,
		 manuscript material, scripts, correspondence, certificates and awards, press and marketing materials, audio recordings, audio visual recordings
		 and material relating to special events and honours in his career.</span><br/>
	<span class="label">Conditions Governing Access</span>
	<span class="val">This archive collection is available for consultation in the V&A Blythe House Archive and Library Study Room by appointment only.
		Full details of access arrangements may be found here: http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/articles/a/archives/.  Access to some of the material may be
		restricted. These are noted in the catalogue where relevant.</span><br/>
	<span class="label">Contains</span>
	<span class="val"><a href="https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/data/gb71-thm/407/thm/407/8">THM/407/8 - Audio Recordings</a></span><br/>


Пример, закодированный в формате Microdata, встроенный в HTML.

<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Collection">
	<link itemprop="additionalType" href="https://schema.org/ArchiveComponent"/>
	<h1 itemprop="name">Ronnie Barker Collection</h1>
	<span class="label">Material held at</span>
	<span class="val"><a itemprop="holdingArchive" href="https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/search/locations/eae30daa-1bf9-33d9-bf1c-7aeb220d2e76">V&A Theatre and Performance Collections</a></span><br/>
	<span class="label">Reference</span>
	<span class="val" itemprop="identifier">GB 71 THM/407/8</span><br/>
	<span class="label">Dates of Creation</span>
	<span class="val" itemprop="temporalCoverage">1929-2005</span><br/>
	<span class="label">Name of Creator</span>
	<span class="val" itemprop="creator">Ronnie Barker</span><br/>
	<span class="label">Language of Material</span>
	<span class="val" itemprop="inLanguage" content="EN">English</span><br/>
	<span class="label">Direct Link</span>
	<span class="val"><a  itemprop="url" href="https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/data/gb71-thm/407">https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/data/gb71-thm/407</a></span><br/>
	<span class="label">Description</span>
	<span class="val" itemprop="description">The collection consists of memorabilia material collected by Ronnie Barker to document his career. Materials include scrapbooks
		 compiled by Ronnie Barker with press cuttings, reviews, memorabilia and photographs of his theatre, television and film work, photographs,
		 manuscript material, scripts, correspondence, certificates and awards, press and marketing materials, audio recordings, audio visual recordings
		 and material relating to special events and honours in his career.</span><br/>
	<span class="label">Contains</span>
	<span class="val"><a itemprop="hasPart" href="https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/data/gb71-thm/407/thm/407/8">THM/407/8 - Audio Recordings</a></span><br/>


Пример, закодированный в формате JSON-LD в теге <script> HTML.

<!-- A collection of items held in an archive -->
<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "https://schema.org",
  "@id": "https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/data/gb71-thm/407",
  "@type": ["Collection","ArchiveComponent"],
  "identifier": "GB 71 THM/407/8",
  "name": "Ronnie Barker Collection",
  "about": ["Comedy","Ronnie Barker"],
  "creator": {
	 "@type": "Person",
	 "name": "Ronnie Barker",
	 "sameAs": "http://viaf.org/viaf/2676198"
  "description": "The collection consists of memorabilia material collected by Ronnie Barker to document his career. Materials include scrapbooks compiled by Ronnie Barker with press cuttings, reviews, memorabilia and photographs of his theatre, television and film work, photographs, manuscript material, scripts, correspondence, certificates and awards, press and marketing materials, audio recordings, audio visual recordings and material relating to special events and honours in his career.",
  "inLanguage": "EN",
  "temporalCoverage": "1929-2005",

  "itemLocation": "https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/search/locations/eae30daa-1bf9-33d9-bf1c-7aeb220d2e76",
  "holdingArchive": "https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/search/locations/eae30daa-1bf9-33d9-bf1c-7aeb220d2e76",
  "hasPart": "https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/data/gb71-thm/407/thm/407/8"

Структурированное представление примера JSON-LD.

GB 71 THM/407/8
Ronnie Barker Collection
Ronnie Barker
Ronnie Barker
The collection consists of memorabilia material collected by Ronnie Barker to document his career. Materials include scrapbooks compiled by Ronnie Barker with press cuttings, reviews, memorabilia and photographs of his theatre, television and film work, photographs, manuscript material, scripts, correspondence, certificates and awards, press and marketing materials, audio recordings, audio visual recordings and material relating to special events and honours in his career.
Автор: Семён Авдосов [schema.su]
Дата публикации: 16.11.2024
Дата обновления: 20.11.2024
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